Composite Siding: Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

For your upcoming siding installation, it’s a good idea to go beyond the usual wood and vinyl replacements. Composite is a great alternative to those two as it rivals both in the aesthetics and durability department.

Composite Siding: Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

On top of that, composite siding is also more eco-friendly and sustainable. In this post, our siding experts at Rapid Roofing discuss how using composite siding can help you make a positive impact on the environment.

What’s Composite Siding Made Of?

As its name suggests, composite siding is made of a combination of different materials. What it’s primarily made up of are recycled wood and polymers. These two are recyclable materials, and in the case of polymer, the strength doesn’t diminish no matter how many times it’s recycled. Recycled wood is the same, and it’s natural strength is further bolstered by the polymers. 

How it’s Sustainable

The fact that composite siding is made from recyclable materials means manufacturers don’t have to waste precious resources to fabricate new siding. Wood is an important resource that’s fast-becoming scarce. More importantly, it’s reusable, and composite siding takes full advantage of that. 

Composite siding also doesn’t rot or warp, and can last well beyond its average life span of 30 to 40 years. As your local siding contractor, we recommend switching to composite if you want to have eco-friendly siding that can last as long as your house.

This great alternative to wood and vinyl also boats higher weather tolerance and fire and heat resistance, and comes in a wide selection of styles and colors. All these benefits make composite siding one of the top choices for both residential and commercial properties.

At Rapid Roofing, we are the company to turn to for your siding and window replacement needs. Call us today at (734) 234-5900 to learn more about our services. We offer expert siding installation in Ann Arbor, MI.