Why You Won’t Necessarily Get Satisfaction From DIY WORK

The more time and effort you put into something, the more satisfaction…

4 Things You Should Know Before Painting Vinyl Siding

Painting your siding is a cost-effective way of revitalizing…

How to Know When It’s Time to Replace Your Gutters

How long do gutters last? It’s not uncommon for homeowners…

Getting Ready for Winter: A Fall Maintenance To-Do List

You’ll be spending a lot more time inside when the weather…

Do’s and Don’ts of Hail Damage Insurance Claims

Over time, damage from hail can cause major roofing issues and…

A Year-Round Task: Why Gutters Need to Be Cleaned

It’s important to clean your gutters, but how frequently should…

3 Ways to Prevent Roof Water Damage

Moisture can inflict serious damage on your roof, but observing…

Roofing Market Trends and What They Mean for Consumers

Consumer preferences have changed. Durability is no longer the…

Gutter Repairs or Replacement?: The Warning Signs

Gutters need to be repaired once they start to leak. But at what…

Why Vinyl Siding Is Popular Among Homeowners

Arguably, vinyl siding is the most popular type of siding on…